Fast Facts

American Falls:
  • Height: About 56 metres
  • Length of Crestline: 328 metres
  • Waterflow: Approx. 75,000 gallons (about 10% of the total flow over the Falls)

At night the American falls look spectacular under lighting by coloured beams. They changed a lot during the last century due to erosion. Large sections of bedrock were caused to fall and stay at the base by the continual waterflow.

American Falls
AmericanFalls (own) (Klick on picture to view large.)
Canadian Falls (Horseshoe Falls):
  • Height: Approx. 52 metres
  • Length of Crestline: 675 metres
  • Waterflow: Estimated more than 168,000 cubic metres

At the Canadian Falls the flow of water over the crestline falls into a basin which depth (about 56 metres) is even higher than the Falls itself. The Falls were firstly described as "horseshoe" shaped in 1721. Since 1893 the force of the water is used to produce elctricity on the Canadian side. Today several power plants on the Canadian side are producing up to 2 million kilowatts of electrical energy contributing to the sum of 4.4 million kilowatts with the US power plants.

Canadian Falls
Canadian Falls
last reviewed on: August 19, 2004)

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